New nanogel for drug delivery

Scientists are interested in using gels to deliver drugs because they can be molded into specific shapes and designed to release their payload over a specified time period. However


Yoga cures Piles

Piles are abnormally enlarged and dilated blood vessels around the back passage or anus. Piles are also known as "hemorrhoids". Dietary disorders and intake of more spicy fo


by Leen B. Jesmas

One can cola per day will bring in cancer –says a medical analysis published in U.S recently .A recent  matching laboratory tests conducted by Consumer Reports on 11 different soft drinks, with an analysis of average consumption by Americans, the researchers found that one Can Cola  a day could be enough to expose them to potentially cancer-causing levels of the chemical known as 4-MEI (short for 4-methylimidazole).The average person age 6 to 64 drank as much as two and a half cans of cola per day. Approximately one-third of children between ages 3 and 5 drank two-thirds of a can each day. People between age 16 and 44 were the most frequent cola drinkers, consuming as many as three cans per day. Through this analysis, the researchers concluded that within the next 70 years, there could be at as many as 5,000 incidences of cancer directly related to cola consumption.As there is no restriction or ban on using chemicals in Cola production,this threat will remain as of now. But  there is some good news from the Cola industry these days :The Cola sales in drop for the last two years.

New nanogel for drug delivery

by Shyam Jos

Scientists are interested in using gels to deliver drugs because they can be molded into specific shapes and designed to release their payload over a specified time period. However, current versions aren’t always practical because they must be implanted surgically.To help overcome that obstacle, MIT chemical engineers have designed a new type of self-healing hydrogel that could be injected through a syringe. Such gels, which can carry one or two drugs at a time, could be useful for treating cancer, macular degeneration, or heart disease, among other diseases, the researchers say.Another potential application for the gels are delivering drugs, such as growth factors, that could help repair damaged heart tissue after a heart attack. The researchers are also pursuing the possibility of using this gel to deliver cancer drugs to kill tumor cells that get left behind after surgery. In that case, the gel would be loaded with a chemical that lures cancer cells toward the gel, as well as a chemotherapy drug that would kill them. This could help eliminate the residual cancer cells that often form new tumors following surgery.

Yoga cures Piles

by Anagha Mahesh

Piles are abnormally enlarged and dilated blood vessels around the back passage or anus. Piles are also known as "hemorrhoids". Dietary disorders and intake of more spicy food is its root cause. The symptoms of this disease aggravate in absence of physical work or exercise.A little research has assured EHC of the benefits of yoga and its treatment potential for piles. Yoga can be very beneficial in relieving bowel troubles. As a first line of defense, it might be useful to focus asanas on the mid-section. Yoga helps in the removal of the toxins in the body which can give a free and active feeling to the body. Piles may cause back pain in several individuals because of its critical position in the body. The stretch and strain provided as a part of yoga helps to regulate the body and provide freedom from the acute pain caused in the body. Treatments can help significantly reduce the discomfort and itching that many patients experience. A good doctor will initially recommend some lifestyle changes.

Charles Best

by Deepthi T N

Charles Herbert Best was an American-Canadian scientist who is remembered as the co-discoverer of insulin, one of the most important milestones in the treatment of diabetes. Although he was part of the research team, he did not receive the Nobel Prize along with his co-researchers because he had not completed his graduation then. Frederick Banting, also credited with the discovery of insulin and Nobel Laureate, was deeply impressed by Best’s efforts in discovering insulin and, to honor these efforts, he shared his Nobel Prize with Best and also praised his efforts in the research. Best was multi-talented with good research skills and amazing athletic skills. He was a professional basketball player and used his remuneration from sports to pay his academic fees. Best had worked as a professor in the University of Toronto and was awarded with eighteen honorary degrees from universities around the world. Learn about the life and achievements of this great academician from this biography.Best married Margaret Hooper Mahon in 1924 in Toronto and the couple had two sons. One among their sons was Dr. Henry Best, a well-regarded historian who went on to become president of Laurentian University in Sudbury. Charles Best died in Toronto on March 31, 1978.

Health Headlines

                                           ADFCA, FAO sign cooperation agreement
The Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) have signed a joint cooperation agreement on the use of treated water in agriculture The deal aims at intensifying and strengthening the ways of ensuring the safe use of treated water in agriculture and safety of agricultural products as well. As per the agreement, a system will be prepared for assessing and monitoring of the use of treated water in the third stage of agriculture
Dubai Health Authority to host first Early Life Nutrition Network Middle East Symposium
To promote the importance of a healthy start to children’s lives, Dubai Health Authority (DHA) will host the first Early Life Nutrition Network Middle East Symposium in Dubai, supported by Danone Nutricia, from March 6-7.

2 Cancer - Fighting Culinary Spices and Herbs

by Gayathri Bhavana

In research on tumor-bearing mice, scientists discovered that ginger can kill cancerous cells in two different ways. One is Apoptosis and the second is Autophagy. Apoptosis results from cancer cells essentially committing suicide. Autophagy results from cells digesting or attacking themselves. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger prevent precancerous tumors from creating the perfect breeding ground and climate for growth.
Turmeric is a spice that is often used as a food flavouring in Asian dishes. It belongs to the ginger family. A number of laboratory studies on cancer cells have shown that curcumin does have anticancer effects. It seems to be able to kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing. It has the best effects on breast cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer and skin cancer cells. 

Low Fat Brownies

by Liya Lawrence

1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cups white sugar
2 egg whites
3/4 cup applesauce

  Blend cream, butter and sugar in a large bowl using a     hand mixer.
  Add egg whites, applesauce and vanilla.
  Mix all other ingredients in a separate smaller bowl         and add to the wet ingredients in the large bowl.
  Do Not  overmix
  Dust and grease baking dish with flour.
  Pour the mixture into this.Bake at 350 degrees for     30-35 minutes. ENJOY!


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