Our life in the modern world had become so stressful by satisfying the demand of the daily need of family and job. This often causes feelings of stress and anxiety. For some people this goes normal.
But for those who are having this disorder, the anxiety remains for many days, it may even last for 6 months or more. These feelings may be enormous and out of proportion with the reality.
Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental disorders suffered by many people. The exact cause of anxiety disorder is not yet understood. But scientists believe that heredity may be one of the major causes. Environment, personal development and even the diet may also have a major role in it.
Want to know about anxiety?
Normally anxiety is a useful condition. It is a physiological response to counteract the stressful condition. It is very important during the fight or flight response. Anxiety can be a useful tool when you are in dangerous situations. It helps us to anticipate the trouble, spurring us into action and keeping us out of danger.
What happens during frightening or dangerous situations?
1. Our heartbeat raises
2. Blood starts running fast through the arteries
3. Blood supply to the heart and muscle is increased
4. Adrenaline hormone production is also increased.
Normally the feeling of stress or anxiety goes off as the dangerous situation passes. But in a person with anxiety disorder the feeling of fear or stress persists for longer duration and affects the daily activity.
There are 5 types of Anxiety disorder and can usually be diagnosed by its symptoms
1. Social anxiety disorder: this is typically a fear of everyday social interactions. A person with social phobia tend to feel that they are being observed and judged by others. They may feel fear of upcoming social situations, sometimes they start worrying about the situation for weeks in advance.
2. Panic disorder: usually experience the rushes of panic thoughts for example, episodes of bad experiences and nightmares which involves very sudden frightening physical responses such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, dizziness.
3. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): is one of the most common among anxiety disorders. It can affect at any age. Sometimes it is found to be developed in early childhood or in adolescence. The prevalence of this disorder is twice in women than in men. This is often related to everyday life.
4. Post traumatic anxiety disorder: This is usually followed after a trauma or a stressful event. This usually develops after a person has been experiencing a physical threat or been hurt. Memories and thought of the harmful event keep troubling them. It makes them difficult to forget the thoughts of harmful events. They often are emotionally silent. They lose interest in the activities they use to enjoy.
5. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): is second most common among the anxiety disorders. A person with this disorder often suffers with troubling thoughts which leads to compulsion that are used to try to control those thoughts. A person with OCD feels to perform a particular action repeatedly and still they feel unsatisfied with the action, like washing hands, locking the door, putting off the gas burner and so on. Most of the people with OCD are fully aware of their conditions.
Treatment for the anxiety disorder:
It is always good to talk to your doctor if you think you are suffering from Anxiety disorder.
There is a lot of progress made in this field. Much has been studied in the recent years about the anxiety disorder, why is it developed and how can it be treated best.
Treatment usually includes the combination of psychotherapy and medicines to keep these conditions under control. This can be easily controlled if it is treated appropriately.